History - hub.tech


The history of the company dates back to 1894

When in Zgierz, thanks to the efforts of the Polish industrialist Jan Śniechowski and the Czech manufacturer Ignacy Hordliczek, the “Boruta” dye factory was established. The plant, thanks to high-quality products and highly qualified staff, soon became the leading producer of dyes in the country. Several decades later, in 1948 in Bydgoszcz, on the wave of the post-war reconstruction of the country, Zachem was established, from which came the Organika-Zachem Chemical Plant, producing, among other things, pigments and optical brighteners.

Both of these plants, merged in 2009 under the name of Boruta-Zachem Kolor Ltd., ultimately laid the foundations for the construction of today’s company, which is a precursor of modern solutions and innovations in the field of biotechnology. Hub.Tech, aspiring to become an industry leader and responding to the challenges of the future, constantly draws from the richness of its history, writing new pages every day.


1894 – The "Boruta" dye factory is established in Zgierz
1913 – Further development of the plant; three hundred chemists work on the production of dyes, creating the largest Polish laboratory and production team in Poland
1914 – Further development of the plant; three hundred chemists work on the production of dyes, creating the largest Polish laboratory and production team in Poland
1920 – Establishment of the company "Chemical Industry in Poland, plc"- the owner of "Boruta"
1921 - 1922 – Further investments in "Boruta" (installations for the production of hydrochloric acid, new workshops, warehouses; eventually nearly 20 new buildings are built)
1923 – Purchase by "Boruta" of the dye works "Kalle i Partners" in Warsaw
1928 - Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego becomes the majority shareholder of "Boruta"
1939 - Germany takes over management of "Boruta"
1945 – Post-war destruction of the factory; economic devastation of "Boruta" at the level of 60%
1948 – Zachem begins production activity in Bydgoszcz
1949 – Establishment of the United Industrial Dye Plants "Boruta" of Distinguished State Enterprises with its HQ in Zgierz
1951 – The factory in Zgierz is renamed "Chemical Plant - Boruta" in Zgierz, then changed to Industrial Dye Plant "Boruta" in Zgierz
1957 - Establishment of the Research and Intervention Laboratory in "Boruta"
1960s - 1980s – Development of "Boruta"; export of products to nearly 70 countries around the world
1958 – Zachem, operating under the name of Chemical Plant No. 9 in Bydgoszcz, was renamed "Chemical Plant in Bydgoszcz"
1976 – Another change of the name of Zachem to "Chemical Plant Organika-Zachem"
1980s - 1990s – Acceptance of the program of eco-restructuring of production in Zachem
1991 - Division of the state-owned enterprise under the name of Chemical Plant Organika-Zachem in Bydgoszcz into Chemical Plant Organika-Zachem in Bydgoszcz and Chemical Plant Nitro-Chem in Bydgoszcz
1992 – Transformation of "Boruta" into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury
1998 – Commissioning a biological municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plant built in accordance with the decision of the Management Board of "Boruta" and the city authorities of Zgierz
2000 – Zachem starts operating under a new name - Chemical Plant ZACHEM
2002 – Transformation of Zachem into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury
2001 - 2003 - Thorough modernization of the TDI installation, and commissioning of a biological wastewater treatment plant, which was built mainly by Zachem and the Bydgoszcz District Council
2009 - Merging of production plants from Bydgoszcz and Zgierz under the name of Boruta-Zachem Kolor Ltd.
2014 – Boruta-Zachem becomes a company listed on the NewConnect stock exchange
2015 – Establishment by Boruta-Zachem of two subsidiaries: Boruta-Zachem Biochemia Ltd. and Boruta-Zachem Innowacje Ltd.
2016 - The official opening of the biosurfactant production line - the group is the first Polish producer of household chemicals and cosmetic products based on biosurfactants
2020 – Change of the company name from Boruta-Zachem to Hub.Tech
2020 - 2021 – The company plans to enter the main market of the Stock Exchange